Monday, April 18, 2011

Artisan for Autism: A Piece of the Puzzle

As the month of April ushers in the sprouts of spring, millions around the world link minds and money toward understanding and finding a cure for Autism.  One of those individuals committed to this cause is:

Neuhart is the artistic designer and founder of Shonna Designs, a couture jewelry line with eclectic style inspired by many Victorian, Modern, and Classic forms.  These handcrafted works of arts have adorned scores of accessory-nista’s and was featured on the Today Show with renowned psychotherapist Dr. Robbie Ludwig. Now Shonna is giving back with a special One of a Kind bracelet to benefit Organizations that support individuals who suffer from Autism related disorders.

As the parent of a child who is autistic, Neuhart, along with her success as a jewelry maker is emerging as a creative force, able to marry artistic vision and philanthropy in an elegant ceremony designing a beautiful Sterling Silver Autism Bracelet. Neuhart added to her collection the piece of the puzzle; the national symbol for Autism and Autism awareness. The causes of autism are not completely understood, and the symptoms unique, so the puzzle piece is reflective of those critical missing pieces needed to complete our understanding of Autism and its causes.
Each bracelet is made individually.  They are all handmade of
Sterling Silver, and each piece, a little different, just like the characteristics and signs of Autism are unique to each child diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) 1 in 110 children have an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  The CDC describes ASD’s as a group of developmental disabilities causing major social, communication and behavioral challenges with symptoms typically present before age 3 years.  Included under the ASD umbrella is pervasive developmental disorder, Asperger Syndrome and Autistic disorder.

As artists, when we are given the opportunity to have our art appreciated by the masses.  We are also blessed with the responsibility of sharing the gifts of success to inspire, to bring forth change or to simply be a voice for social issues that affect those closest to us and those representing a global community: Neuhart manifests that spirit.

Join Shonna Neuhart of Shonna Designs in the fight to understand and cure Autism. Proceeds from the sale of the autism bracelet are donated to organizations dedicated to helping children and families affected by autism.

For more information on autism check out these links:
Autism Speaks

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