Monday, April 18, 2011

The Brain Child is Born: Welcome TENÈ NÍCOLE Marketing & Public Relations to the world

  At  TENÈ NÍCOLE we make “It” happen yesterday while taking fashion and our clients to the fore front of a global economy.
     The Brain-child of CEO Nikkia McClain,  TENÈ NÍCOLE exists to build the careers of innovative fashion artisans.
     Our niche is Marketing and Public Relations for Fashion Designers, stylists, Jewelry Designers and a host of specialty clients with a focus in Hair Design and Make-up Artistry in this billion dollar Fashion Industry.
     Established in 2010, out of necessity, for those clients, who no longer wish to be among the fray of copy-cat regurgitated fashions, TENÈ NÍCOLE Marketing and Public Relations honors the originality of its clients. 
     In conjunction with our clients we not only strive for successful branding but we here at  TENÈ NÍCOLE Marketing and Public Relations, deliver.  We deliver with brand integration as well as exposing our clients to a wide range of media facets.
     TENÈ NÍCOLE would like to thanks its clients for partnering with us as we, together, build unbreakable brands. 
Luxury Swimwear
Ready to Wear, Urban Chic Apparel for Women
Integrates brand exposure with product placement and inclusion on its on-line newsletter magazine.
 Handcrafted, exclusive, limited edition, Jewelry designs.
 Celebrity Hair Stylist and Hair Care Specialist 
Celebrity Makeup Artist
Who are we?              
TENÈ NÍCOLE Marketing and Public Relations Firm
What are we?             
Marketing and Public Relations Firm with a focus in Fashion marketing and all that it
Founded in 2010, CEO, Nikkia McClain
Fashion deserves to be represented by enthusiasts who not only see the dollar value but
that believes in the vision of its clients.
Brand Integration, media, product integrity, consumer approval along with a team of
innovative people unafraid to strategically think outside of the box.
TEAM TENÈ                   

Torra Gaddy              
Nicole Humes
Marchelle Wilson                                                  
Shanice Nicole McDonald    

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